The profiles, motivations, and opportunities of undergraduate students in the Collective Health at the
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Sousa, M. F. de, Zaitune, M. P. do A., Rocha, D. G., Oliveira, K. E. S. de, Soares, R. A. S., Cardoso, A. J. da C., & Mendonça, A. V. M. (2015). The profiles, motivations, and opportunities of undergraduate students in the Collective Health at the. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 9(1), Pág. 91–106.


Undergraduate Collective Health courses are being implemented since 2009 with the help of Reuni (Restructuring and Expanding Federal Universities), Pró Saúde (National Program to Redirect Professional Health Training), and PET Saúde (Education Program for Health Work). Our proposal is to understand the profiles, motivations, and opportunities of the undergraduate students registered in the Collective Health Management program between 2010 and 2014 in the Collective Health Department of the Health Sciences Faculty at the University of Brasilia (UnB). To accomplish this, a descriptive observational study using a cross-sectional design was conducted, targeting students that had registered or withdrawn during the aforementioned period.This was done by consulting UnB’s Academic Administration Secretariat and by using two online questionnaires – one for properly registered students and one for “evading” students. The questionnaires were sent to email addresses listed on the UnB database. The relative frequencies of the many variables were calculated using Excel. The results are presented by topic: participant profiles, reasons for choosing or evading the program, and program evaluation. The results were used to compose action plans and recommendations to confront the most relevant problems and redirect professional health training.
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