There are equity promoting in the production of knowledge on neglected diseases in Brazil?
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How to Cite

Andrade, B. L. A. de, & Rocha, D. G. (2015). There are equity promoting in the production of knowledge on neglected diseases in Brazil?. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 9(3), Pág. 21–34.


Neglected diseases are classified as an infectious disease group that is strongly associated to poverty conditions, mostly in peripheral countries. From this perspective, neglected diseases are shown as a classic example of science production deficits in certain research topics. This article presents the analyses of the promotion of equity within knowledge production about neglected diseases based on researcher profiles, institutions with projects approved on the subject, and published in 2006, 2008, and 2012 by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The data investigated are public and collected from these projects and the Lattes Platform/CNPq. This cross-sectional descriptive study obtained the following results: 216 projects included in the three calls for application; almost equal gender participation in coordinating research; predominantly developed by mostly public higher education institutions (universities) and research centers. Most of the studies were conducted by authors trained in health sciences and were mainly concentrated in institutions of the southeastern region of Brazil, which is notably not the part of the country with the largest number of neglected disease cases.
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