Sanitaristas em ação: identidade profissional e atuação do sanitarista no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19
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How to Cite

Karolayne da Silva Bezerra , J. ., Laís da Silva, janilly ., Lucas Marcelino da Silva, J., Kalline de Oliveira , J., & de Oliveira Silva Sousa, F. (2025). Sanitaristas em ação: identidade profissional e atuação do sanitarista no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 16(02), 26–42.


The Sanitarian is a professional who works to strengthen the furtherance, protection, and recovery of health, working at all levels of care and in various sectors of the Unified Health System (SUS). However, it is still necessary to increase the visibility of the work of this professional.  This research is an experience report of an extension project which it’s goal is to increase the visibility of the role of the Sanitarian in SUS, especially in educational bases, and to produce educational content for users and health professionals about the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 and other diseases or health problems pertinent in Brazil. With the suspension of in-person activities due to the pandemic, the project has been developed since May 2020 in a remote format by a team composed of sanitary residents who work in primary care, students and faculty of the undergraduate program in public health at the Academic Center of Vitoria, CAV-UFPE. Using Information and Communication Technologies, actions are carried out in the areas of health education, continuing education in health, and dissemination of the health professional's work. This experience corroborates the evidence on the importance of the Sanitarist, by increasing the visibility of their extensive area of expertise and the role of the university in the formation of professionals involved in the support of the SUS and the confrontation of social problems such as those experienced in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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