Abortion may be associated with risk factors. This study aimed to identify the presence of symptoms of depression in miscarriaged women and this association with demographic and clinic informations. Interviewed 120 women in a public hospitals. We used: a general questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory, Self-Esteem Scale. Descriptive statistical analysis correlated abortion and depression variables. The 120 women, were mostly white (71%), 63% were single, 87% have religion, 67% and have high school and 51% no have louse source of income. Clinically: 49% are pointed in first pregnancie, 33% had previous miscarriages. 57% of the 120 women showed signs of depression. Protective factors for depression were: having a partner, work, religion and financial situation. There was association between induced abortion with alcohol and drugs in the family and family violence. Half of the sample pointed some level of depression and low or medium-esteem. The abortion may be related to depression. Nursing care should implement and strengthen the resilient aspects of these women.