Aspectos socioculturais e comportamentais na qualidade de vida no trabalho e as patentes interfaces com a ciência da informação
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ciência da informação; comportamento informacional; qualidade de vida no trabalho; bem-estar no trabalho. Information science; informational behavior; quality of life at work; well-being at work.

How to Cite

Santana Rodrigues Pereira, R. ., & Sales dos Santos, J. C. . (2025). Aspectos socioculturais e comportamentais na qualidade de vida no trabalho e as patentes interfaces com a ciência da informação. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 18(3), 57–65.


Human informational behavior constitutes an emerging theme in information science and corresponds to the sum of actions related to the recovery of contents in information sources and channels. Thus, informational behavior shows a clear adherence to the quality of life at work due to conditions that encompass several aspects that interfere in the lives of workers, which involve conditions and work environments that interfere with the physical, psychological and social well-being of individuals linked to institutional and organizational environments. Considering the announced prerogatives, the article sought to present the contributions of information science to the promotion of quality of life at work, exploring how the principles, methods and practices of this discipline can be applied to improve the work environment and access to relevant information, aiming at the satisfaction, well-being and personal and professional development of workers. From the announcement of the general objective, the methodological procedures were based on the method of monographic procedure (case study), descriptive level, population and sample of the investigation, technique and instrument of investigation based on the list of selected references. The results indicated that it is possible to broaden the vision about the quality of life at work, envisioning the interfaces with information science, especially regarding informational behavior. The final considerations announce that information science can support, with regard to informational behavior, effective transformations in the quality of life at work.
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