Movimentos da estrutural:
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Arboviruses; MECE; Memory Spot; Social Museology; Virtual Exhibition. Arboviroses; MECE; Ponto de Memória; Museologia Social; Exposição Virtual.

How to Cite

Küster de Paula Carvalho, S. ., & B.Magaldi, M. . (2025). Movimentos da estrutural:: prevenção da dengue, zika e chikungunya. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 18(3), 20–28.


 Digital exhibition “Estrutural movements: prevention of dengue, zika and chikungunya' is the result  of inclusive actions between residents of Cidade Estrutural, in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, and researchers,  professor, and students of the University of Brasília (UnB), within the scope of Arbocontrol Brazil project. This  project started in 2021 and ended with the exhibition launch in May 2022. The idea for the exhibition came from  mobilizations, considerations on the issue of arboviruses, and memories of the place. Interactions with residents  during activities motivated the research and studies on local experiences, thus allowing the understanding of the  causes and consequences of the proliferation of arboviruses in the territory where they live. The exhibition was  organized as in-person tours of the territory, with the Cidade Estrutural as a space for imagery and sound  recordings, appointed by the residents themselves, and the process based on the life memories of the people who  inhabit the place. The methodological approach is qualitative; initially, the proposal for the exhibition was conceived  in conversations held remotely due to the pandemic context of Covid-19. As distance discussions advanced with  the participants of the Estrutural Education and Culture Movement (MECE, Movimento de Educação e Cultura da  Estrutural, in Portuguese), the challenges increased, and it was necessary to continue the project in person,  observing the recommended health protocols. The activity continued with weekly, remote, and face-to-face  meetings. At each meeting, questions and considerations on the proposed issue emerged. It enabled the  delineation of the contents to create the expository narrative, about arboviruses. Interviews, focus meetings, and  digital and geolocated conversation circles were carried out, as well as research and information collection. This  proposal presents the process and results achieved with the exhibition Estrutural movements: dengue, zika, and  chikungunya prevention.
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