Pacientes acometidos pela covid-19 e uso de elmo: análise epidemiológica
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Castro Júnior, A. R. de, Gomes, T. F. ., Martins, M. I. S. ., Santos, M. A. de P. ., Abreu, L. D. P. de, Porto, A. P. M. ., & Moreira, F. J. F. . (2025). Pacientes acometidos pela covid-19 e uso de elmo: análise epidemiológica. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 17(2).


The study aimed to investigate the profile of patients affected by COVID-19 using ELMO. Descriptive, retrospective study of document analysis with a quantitative approach, carried out in Fortaleza (Ceará). 129 patients who used Capacete Elmo during hospitalization were included. Data were obtained through the “ResCOVID” platform. The profile described is aged between 50 and 59 years (24.8%), male (69.8%), brown (55%), has completed high school (32.6%) and paid profession (74.4%). %). Of the total, 17.8% of the patients were smokers (3.9%) and fashion designers (7%). Obesity (35.6%), hypertension (34.1%) and diabetes (20.1%) were the most frequent comorbidities. The most reported initial symptoms were dyspnea (85.3%), cough (66.7%) and fever (61.2%). Indicates the use of mechanical ventilation used in only 43 (33.4%) of the sample. It was possible to characterize the population, showing less use of invasive mechanical ventilation. As well as observing a lower use of the IMV device in the presented sample when compared to the world literature regarding patients affected by COVID-1
PDF (Português (Brasil))
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