Post-graduation in collective health


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Salud pública, Salud colectiva, Mercado de trabajo, Educación de postgrado. Public health, Colective Health, Job Market, Education, Graduate. Saúde pública, Saúde Coletiva, Mercado de trabalho, Educação de pós-graduação.

How to Cite

Patricio das Graças Almeida, K. ., Alves dos Santos Morais, P., Guio Cavaca, A., & Pavani Lemos , A. S. . (2024). Post-graduation in collective health: REFLECTIONS ON TRAINING AND INSERTION IN THE LABOR MARKET. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 15(4), 165–184.


The work aims to reflect on the formation and insertion of graduate students in Public Health in the labor market. To this end, an integrative literature review was carried out, using the PICO strategy (population, intervention, comparison and outcome), developed in six stages: definition of the guiding question; literature search; data collect; critical analysis of the included studies; discussion of results; and presentation of the integrative review. The search was carried out in the LILACS, Scielo, CAPES, EMBASE, Pubmed, Medline and Google Scholar databases, for the period from 2008 to 2019. At the end, six works were selected that answered the guiding question. After a critical analysis of the results, the discussion was presented in three analytical categories: a) training of postgraduate professionals in Public Health; b) Insertion of professionals in the labor market; c) contribution of the postgraduate in Collective Health to the strengthening of the Unified Health System. It is revealed that it is necessary to train researchers / workers able to identify problems coherent with the social needs in health, and that the understanding of the trajectory of the graduates of the Postgraduate courses in Collective Health is a challenge, not only due to the diversity of pedagogical projects, but also due to the multiple forms of insertion in the labor market.

Keywords: Public health, Colective Health, Labour market, Education, Graduate.
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