Ergologic analyses of the professional acting of primary health care teams within SUS


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Engajamento no trabalho
Competência profissional
Educação continuada
Pessoal de saúde
Trabalhadores. Work
Work engagement
Professional competence
Education continuing
Health personnel
Workers Trabajo
Compromiso laboral
Competencia profesional
Educación continua
Personal de salud

How to Cite

Warmling, C. M., & Fajardo, A. P. (2024). Ergologic analyses of the professional acting of primary health care teams within SUS. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 12(4), 288–305. (Original work published December 28, 2023)


This paper analyzes how the use of ergologic concepts of the competence to act, assumed as a theoretical framework, contributes for the understanding of work processes of primary care health teams within the National Unified Health System (SUS). It was conducted a single case study with two units of analysis and a qualitative approach. The research settings were 17 municipalities from the central administrative macroregion of Rio Grande do Sul state. A total of 26 focus groups were conducted, being 17 in the Unit of Analysis 1 (17 physicians, 17 nurses and 17 dentists) and 9 in the Unit of Analysis 2 (18 dentists, 6 dental hygienists and 4 oral health auxiliaries). A script based on the theory of competence to act guided the groups. The analysis evidences that the use of protocols by the worker goes beyond planning in health. When facing daily situations, the workers' values and knowledge are used to address specific needs, as the professionals master and renormalize protocols and techniques. The continuing education processes in health are included in the daily work, but they are rather formal activities instead of opportunities to debate values. These spaces must be used for such between institutions, workers and users, aiming at the production of health care. Thus, facilitating to the workers to take over their role as protagonists of the activity would imply in the gathering of (previous and acquired) knowledge and values in search of a creative production at work.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Entretien de la SELF avec Yves Schwartz. Mené en décembre 2017 par Jean-Claude Sperandio et Annie Drouin.