Participation of family health residents in social management and control: An account of experience on municipal health pre-conferences in Florianópolis.
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Conferências de Saúde
Saúde da Família
Políticas Púbicas. Health Conferences
Family Health
Public Policies Conferencias de Salud
Salud de la Familia
Políticas Públicas

How to Cite

de Oliveira Cunha, L. S., Ramos, T. da S., Bolsoni, E. B., Medeiros, F., & Graciosa, A. (2018). Participation of family health residents in social management and control: An account of experience on municipal health pre-conferences in Florianópolis. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 12(1), Pág. 281–286.


In Florianópolis, in 2015, a mobilization commission was organized to prepare proposals and generate guidelines to encourage and support the popular mobilization of the various movements, Entities and associations for the 9th Municipal Health Conference with the theme: Public health and quality to take good care of people. A right of the Brazilian people. This report presents the experience of multiprofessional residents in family health as members of the mobilization, organizing, thematic and reporting committee of the 9th Municipal Conference of Health of Florianópolis, in the construction and realization of health pre-conferences. To compose the organizing committee residents were invited to integrate according to area of interest and vacancies made available. In addition, they participated in workshops to prepare the methodology for each pre-conference. In the process of construction of the pre-conferences it was verified that the social mobilization occurred after the initiative of actors who are part of the municipal health council and who understand as primordial the wide participation of the population in the discussions of the Public Policies. It should be emphasized that this participation contributes to the formation of human resources, since it presents another alternative of integration between health education, sectoral management and social control in SUS. It is understood that the incentive to the interaction between teaching, management, attention and social control in the process of training of the residents in family health having as soon as the first year of residence contact with the subject in the form of field practice contribute to the commitment in the spaces Of social control.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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