Evaluation of students Pro-PET-Health on the contributions of the Pro-Health Program in health.
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Furlanetto, D. L. C., Lima, A. de A. de, Júnior, J. W. S., Bastos, M. M., & Pinho, D. L. M. (2015). Evaluation of students Pro-PET-Health on the contributions of the Pro-Health Program in health. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 9(1), Pág. 11–24. Retrieved from https://tempus.unb.br/index.php/tempus/article/view/1689


The University of Brasilia (UnB) and SES / DF participate in the Pró-Saúde Programme since 2007, which is an induction training of health workers program to offer a comprehensive approach to the health-disease with emphasis on primary care in order to promote changes in process of teaching and learning and, consequently, changes in the quality of services. The effects in changing the formation and incorporation of this vision need to be constantly evaluated. The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of scholarship students on the Pró-Saúde reaches on healthcare courses of Darcy Ribeiro Campus of UnB. The study was a quantitative, transversal and descriptive research. A tool for the analysis of the reorientation of training in healthcare courses was applied, divided into two sections: demographic data and perception of components of the Pró-Saúde (theoretical dimension, practical scenarios; reorientation training; pedagogical dimension). The 50 scholarship students (62.5% of the stock) showed the following results: age between 21 and 25 years (68%); female (72%); graduating in Nursing (32%), medicine (26%), Dentistry (12%) and others (30%); in the program for over 12 months (69.4%); monthly frequency of team meetings (44%); 90% said that few or no discipline nurture experience similar to Pró-Saúde; the theoretical dimension was observed values with small neutral trend (0.04); in practical scenario there was a positive trend (0.6); as well as the reorientation of training (0.82); the pedagogical dimension, neutral trend (0.19). The Pró-Saúde showed contributions to the most involved participants in the program.
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