Food and nutritional insecurity and associated factors among families in the Rural Settlement of Lamarão, Distrito Federal
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How to Cite

Bastos, C. M. M. M., Pinheiro, A. R. O., & Gubert, M. B. (2014). Food and nutritional insecurity and associated factors among families in the Rural Settlement of Lamarão, Distrito Federal. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 8(2), Pág. 133–156.


Food and Nutritional Security is the right to regular and permanent access to enough and good quality food, without compromising other essential needs. This study examined the prevalence of alimentary and nutritional insecurity and associated factors among families in a rural settlement in Distrito Federal. This is a cross-sectional study, involving a systematic sample, with a time interval equals to zero, composed by 75 households. The prevalence of unsafe nutrition among those families was established by the “Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar”. Socioeconomic and demographic variables were also considered. The study found 50,6% of alimentary and nutritional insecurity, with 17,3% classified as moderate and severe. All houses are made of bricks and equipped with piped water, electricity and waste collection; only 12% of homes have access to sewage disposal. Most of it is composed by residence-owned houses (82,7%). Around 29% of the families were in receipt of “Bolsa Família”. The prevailing economic classification involved families from classes C/D/E (87,3%). There was a significant association between levels of food security and type of home, family leader and the consumption of green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk and cereals. The prevalence of food insecurity among families from Lamarão demonstrates a limitation related to physical and financial access, as well as availability of nutritional food. It’s important to examine thoroughly food security among rural population and it is necessary to consider the associations among socioeconomic, demographic and food consumption factors that determine the occurrence of the diagnosis of food security in the population.
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